To Believe and Live Music
In my undergraduate degree at Peabody some of my classmates used to practice viola in front of their TVs. This always struck me as...
The Integrity of Art
Let us take a moment to address integrity in our performance and how this seemingly paradoxical idea can be obtained. Art, by definition...
If at First You Don’t Succeed
We are familiar with the saying-“If at first you don’t succeed, try try again”. It reminds our society to not give up when challenges...
“To Play a Wrong Note”
We have all heard the famous quote of Beethoven, “To play a wrong note is insignificant, to play without passion is inexcusable.” While...
The Note
I heard the note with my inner eye, The first note, Within it contained the entirety of the universe, All that was, All that is, All that...
How the Greatest Musicians Practice
Always hear the music before you play. In this clip of Glenn Gould practicing Bach's Partita no. 2, we can hear how he sings as he...
Don't let this happen to you! This video shows the sad truth of how...
The Balanced Musician
For a musician to accept a new knowledge, they must first attain physical, emotional, mental and musical, comfort and abilities. With...